Preparing for the Expo

Truman students can make the most of the Career Expo by being prepared. Here are some tips on what to do before, during, and after the expo to make it a success.


  • Prepare a résumé and have it reviewed by a Career Center staff member.
  • Do a mock interview through the Career Center.
  • Conduct research so that you can ask informed questions.
  • Think about how to present yourself to employers, including your goals, skills, strengths, and what you have to offer a potential employer.
  • Practice!!  The more you prepare, the more confident you will be.
  • Plan to dress professionally – this generally means a suit.
  • Conservative colors are recommended


  • Remember that first impressions count!  Begin and end each employer contact with a smile and a firm handshake.
  • Introduce yourself to organizations that interest you.  State your name, major, and year in school.
  • Share information about yourself, your background, and professional and personal interests. Be sure you stand out in their minds.
  • Bring several copies of your resume and share it with employers who have opportunities that interest you.  If the recruiter is not looking for your major, ask him/her for the name of the person who recruits your major or to forward your resume to the appropriate person.
  • Inquire about the recruiter’s background and how he/she joined the company.  Also ask questions about how he/she got started and for any advice for pursuing a similar career.
  • Ask recruiters for their business cards/contact information so that you know with whom you have spoken, and have proper spelling of names, titles, etc.  This gives you information about how to contact this recruiter or company again.
  • If in person, sign up for interviews with the organizations staying to conduct interviews the day after expo.  Record the location and time of each interview.
  • Be polite!  Thank the representative for his/her time.


  • Keep notes for future references.  Also keep any cards and company literature.
  • Write thank-you notes within a week to each employer with whom you speak.  This letter should thank the employer for the information, review your qualifications, and ask for an interview.
  • Continue researching organizations that interest you.